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common attorney pain points
Patent attorneys understand the intricacies of the procedures for the application of a patent. Among many other responsibilities they deal...
DIY Patent Drawings
Securing a patent is a crucial step in protecting your invention. However, many inventors make the mistake of assuming that...
skipping patent search
When launching a new startup, the excitement of innovation and the race to market can sometimes overshadow essential foundational steps....
Patent Drafting Dilemma
Patent drafting is a critical process that determines how effectively new innovations are protected. Patent drafters face a significant dilemma:...
Patent Abuse
Patents are crucial tools for protecting intellectual property and driving technological advancements. However, the power of patents can be wielded...
Patentability Assessments
The process of patentability assessment plays an important role in determining whether an innovation can be protected under patent law....
Surface Shading
Precision and clarity are important in design patents. One often-overlooked yet critical aspect of these drawings is surface shading. Surface...
Design Patent Drawings Guide for Patent Professionals
Understanding the nuances between design and utility patents is crucial for patent professionals who are engaged in patent prosecution work....
Patent Drawing Partner
US attorneys who are involved in intellectual property and patent filings need accurate and quality patent drawings for their patent...
USPTO drawing requirements
Understanding USPTO Drawing Requirements In order to meet USPTO drawing requirements, it is essential to have a clear understanding of...
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Utility Patent Drawings

Starts @ $25 / Sheet

Design Patent Drawings

Starts @ $30 / Sheet

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